Marini Industrie is part of Regiogreentex

In the framework of the European Green Deal, RegioGreenTex is a project promoting the collaboration in research and development for the textile industry to establish a systematic circular economy business model across the EU.   1. MAP NEEDS Map the needs and potentiality in the implementation of a circular economy among European regions and clusters and their different levels of economic development. 2. BUILD ECOSYSTEM Build a dynamic recycling textile ecosystem at the European level by making demand and offer meet on a shared digital platform. 3. SUPPORT SMES Support SMEs pilot projects to accelerate the creation, development and use
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Marini Industrie bets on regenerated luxury and presents Re•Luxury

It’s called Re•Luxury, the latest creation from Marini Industrie, a collection “designed to tell our personal reinterpretation of luxury through the reuse of noble fibers,” explains Riccardo Marini, the company’s president. Re•Luxury is named so because it allows for the revival of the beauty of cashmere sweaters, worn before and then recovered through careful hand selection. Once “purified” from buttons, seams, and zippers – thanks to a 100% made in Prato process – those same sweaters are transformed into regenerated yarn ready to become fabric.      
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Marini Industrie and “Rete di tessuti per l’internazionalizzazione” program

The internationalization project “Rete di tessuti per l’internazionalizzazione” carried out by a network of companies coordinated by Consorzio Pratotrade, was launched in July 2018, according to a strategic plan that included the participation in the most important international fairs in the sector -Milano Unica (July 2018) and Première Vision Paris (February 2019) – and a promotional event (workshop) in China. The project ended in June 2019.
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Marini Industrie for “View of Italian fabrics on Chinese market” program

  Marini Industrie for “View of Italian fabrics on Chinese market” program Marini Industrie takes part in the project “View of Italian fabrics on Chinese market”, funded under the Regional Operational Program for Growth and Employment (2014-2020). The project is part of the program “Le ali alle tue idee” and is sponsored by the Tuscany Region, the Presidency of the Italian Republic and the European Regional Development Fund of the EU.
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Marini Industrie and “Vetrine Internazionali per i Tessuti toscani” program

  Marini Industrie and “Vetrine Internazionali per i Tessuti toscani” program Marini Industrie takes part in the project “Vetrine internazionali per i Tessuti toscani”, funded under the Regional Operational Program for Growth and Employment (2014-2020). The project is part of the program “Le ali alle tue idee” and is sponsored by the Tuscany Region, the Presidency of the Italian Republic and the European Regional Development Fund of the EU.
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